House Motif Socks
Skull & Crossbones Socks
Green & Pink Skull & Crossbones Mid Calf Cotton SocksSpecial Price £20.00 Regular Price £30.00
Royal Blue & Red Skull & Crossbones Mid Calf Cotton SocksSpecial Price £20.00 Regular Price £30.00
Mid Grey & Navy Skull & Crossbones Mid Calf Cotton SocksSpecial Price £20.00 Regular Price £30.00
Green & Grey Skull & Crossbones Mid Calf Cotton SocksSpecial Price £20.00 Regular Price £30.00
Black & Grey Skull & Crossbones Mid Calf Cotton SocksSpecial Price £20.00 Regular Price £30.00
New & Lingwood's skull & crossbones socks are part of our signature collection and are offered in a variety of striking colours. We have a few infamous design socks that feature across our collections, none more so than the skull and crossbones socks, a jovial yet stylish reminder of youth, history and loyalty. This design was appropriated by New & Lingwood after our inception in 1865 as testament to Villiers House at Eton College, who cemented their house colours of a black skull and crossbones on a strong red base. This motif was further used by the 17th to 21st Lances, who historically employed many Old Etonians further connecting New & Lingwood with both Eton and the military, both valued connections that continue to the present day.